Friday, November 11, 2011

Cause Tumors In Heart

Tumor is defined as a condition or type of abnormal growth is both a cancerous (malignant) or that are not cancerous (benign). Tumors that originate in the heart of growth process is referred to as the primary tumor that could be formed in every major network as the heart and can be cancerous or noncancerous.

Cause Tumors In Heart

Origin tumors that arise in some other parts of the body organs, such as lung, breast, blood, or skin tissue, which in the next process spread (metastasize) to the heart called a secondary tumor. Tumors of this type are always cancerous. Secondary heart tumors in the heart is usually more common in the ratio between 30 to 40 times than primary cardiac tumors are rarely encountered though.

On the type of primary and secondary tumors, anything can happen in the sac surrounding the heart (pericardium). While the tumor in the pericardium can squeeze (constrict) the heart, which causes the charging becomes less good. Chest pain even more worse could happen to heart failure.

Heart tumors may occur in the absence of early symptoms beforehand, for example, tumors on sebgian people can cause heart failure, heart rate suddenly becomes abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), or decreased blood pressure suddenly caused by bleeding into the pericardium .

Primary heart tumors that are not cancer, including small can still be removed surgically, and through this operation is usually successfully cured.

As for primary tumors that are cancerous can not be removed even through surgery and the consequences thereof, if surgery is usually fatal.

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