Many people assume that if often work overtime or overtime will more often give a negative impact on overall body health. And the assumption seems true, because if the work excessively and continuously will be harmful to your health in the long term.
People who are used to working an average of 11 hours or more a day will own a 67 percent higher risk to suffer a heart attack or even death rates than people who used to work in standard time, which is seven to eight hours a day. According to a recent study published by the Annals of Internal Medicine, states that those who work between 10 to 11 hours a day have a higher risk of 45 message.
"Schedule of work issued by companies are often overlooked and underutilized well as early warning signs or for some heart diseases," said Mika Kivimaki, a professor and researcher of epidemiology and public health at University College London.
The length of time worked for each person may not directly visible or have a negative effect on health. According to experts, the most common heart attack due to one's lifestyle is wrong. People who work overtime or beyond the normal limits usually tend to eat less healthy foods, is also active as a result tend not to sit too long to do the job, lack of sleep and more often experience the stress of his job.
"Someone who works too hard or have a habit of working overtime may be more likely to eat fast food is unhealthy, unhealthy snacks and is also inactive. Some things are not as major factors that take a long time to get a heart attack," explained Stephen Kopecky, MD, a cardiologist and professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic.
However, the increased risk of heart disease suffered by workers overtime is not only influenced by the duration of their work but also influenced by the type of their work. According to Kopecky, farmers in the countryside and other outdoor workers to work for periods ranging between 12 hours to 14 hours longer, but instead they tend to have longer life expectancy or more longevity.
Many people assume that if often work overtime or overtime will more often give a negative impact on overall body health. And the assumption seems true, because if the work excessively and continuously will be harmful to your health in the long term.People who are used to working an average of 11 hours or more a day will own a ...
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012
5 Heart Attack Signs will Appear
Heart attack or commonly called coronary heart disease was not only attacked the group of old people but also people who are still very young. A heart attack is not coming suddenly, because before the attack took place there will usually be the beginning signs that conveyed by the body.
Usually, however, these signs are often ignored by most people. Even according to the results of research conducted at Midas Milan, Italy in 2006, found that nearly 52 percent of all patients with coronary heart disease was not experiencing chest pain of significant or commonly referred to as silent ischemia.
As reported by the MayoClinic, Saturday (02/05/2011) coronary heart disease is one disease that is quite feared by kebanyakn person and the disease is usually caused by the constriction or blockage of major blood vessels or coronary arteries. Coronary arteries is one of the veins that drain blood and duty also serves to bring nutrients and oxygen needed by the heart muscles to always be pumping blood throughout the body.
As we know that the human heart pumps blood to the charge of the entire body continuously during the relentless human still alive, which is about 4-5 liters of blood every minute. That is why if blood flow is impaired although minor annoyance, it can cause blood perederan not smooth and the subsequent effect is the occurrence of heart muscle damage that can cause interference with cardiac pump or commonly known as heart failure.
The most common of the incidence of heart attacks among others, is serving a sport that too forced or exaggerated, angry attitude that the effect is spending a lot of emotion or other activity done to excess.
According to research cited from various sources, there are at least 5 signs of a heart attack should be aware of:
- Feeling depressed that occur suddenly (overwritten seemed a heavy burden, pain, such as pinched and on fire) that causes shortness of breath and choking occur in the neck.
- The pain that this will be spread to the left arm, then at the neck and then to the back.
- The pain that occurs due to pressure effects can last about 15-20 minutes and can occur continuously.
- The next effect is often tiimbul cold perspiration, the body feels weak, heart palpitations and even fainting.
- The pain is the effect will be reduced if a person is at rest, but instead, will be able to gain weight if you're doing the activity.
There are several ways or quick tips that can be done to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, such as keeping cholesterol levels in the body, so always keep your blood pressure well controlled, quit smoking, avoid eating fatty foods, get used to always consume vegetables and fruit a fresh, exercise regularly but not excessive, reduce or control weight and reduce stress.
Usually, however, these signs are often ignored by most people. Even according to the results of research conducted at Midas Milan, Italy in 2006, found that nearly 52 percent of all patients with coronary heart disease was not experiencing chest pain of significant or commonly referred to as silent ischemia.
As reported by the MayoClinic, Saturday (02/05/2011) coronary heart disease is one disease that is quite feared by kebanyakn person and the disease is usually caused by the constriction or blockage of major blood vessels or coronary arteries. Coronary arteries is one of the veins that drain blood and duty also serves to bring nutrients and oxygen needed by the heart muscles to always be pumping blood throughout the body.
As we know that the human heart pumps blood to the charge of the entire body continuously during the relentless human still alive, which is about 4-5 liters of blood every minute. That is why if blood flow is impaired although minor annoyance, it can cause blood perederan not smooth and the subsequent effect is the occurrence of heart muscle damage that can cause interference with cardiac pump or commonly known as heart failure.
The most common of the incidence of heart attacks among others, is serving a sport that too forced or exaggerated, angry attitude that the effect is spending a lot of emotion or other activity done to excess.
According to research cited from various sources, there are at least 5 signs of a heart attack should be aware of:
- Feeling depressed that occur suddenly (overwritten seemed a heavy burden, pain, such as pinched and on fire) that causes shortness of breath and choking occur in the neck.
- The pain that this will be spread to the left arm, then at the neck and then to the back.
- The pain that occurs due to pressure effects can last about 15-20 minutes and can occur continuously.
- The next effect is often tiimbul cold perspiration, the body feels weak, heart palpitations and even fainting.
- The pain is the effect will be reduced if a person is at rest, but instead, will be able to gain weight if you're doing the activity.
There are several ways or quick tips that can be done to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks, such as keeping cholesterol levels in the body, so always keep your blood pressure well controlled, quit smoking, avoid eating fatty foods, get used to always consume vegetables and fruit a fresh, exercise regularly but not excessive, reduce or control weight and reduce stress.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Cause Tumors In Heart
Tumor is defined as a condition or type of abnormal growth is both a cancerous (malignant) or that are not cancerous (benign). Tumors that originate in the heart of growth process is referred to as the primary tumor that could be formed in every major network as the heart and can be cancerous or noncancerous.
Cause Tumors In Heart
Origin tumors that arise in some other parts of the body organs, such as lung, breast, blood, or skin tissue, which in the next process spread (metastasize) to the heart called a secondary tumor. Tumors of this type are always cancerous. Secondary heart tumors in the heart is usually more common in the ratio between 30 to 40 times than primary cardiac tumors are rarely encountered though.
On the type of primary and secondary tumors, anything can happen in the sac surrounding the heart (pericardium). While the tumor in the pericardium can squeeze (constrict) the heart, which causes the charging becomes less good. Chest pain even more worse could happen to heart failure.
Heart tumors may occur in the absence of early symptoms beforehand, for example, tumors on sebgian people can cause heart failure, heart rate suddenly becomes abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), or decreased blood pressure suddenly caused by bleeding into the pericardium .
Primary heart tumors that are not cancer, including small can still be removed surgically, and through this operation is usually successfully cured.
As for primary tumors that are cancerous can not be removed even through surgery and the consequences thereof, if surgery is usually fatal.
Cause Tumors In Heart
Origin tumors that arise in some other parts of the body organs, such as lung, breast, blood, or skin tissue, which in the next process spread (metastasize) to the heart called a secondary tumor. Tumors of this type are always cancerous. Secondary heart tumors in the heart is usually more common in the ratio between 30 to 40 times than primary cardiac tumors are rarely encountered though.
On the type of primary and secondary tumors, anything can happen in the sac surrounding the heart (pericardium). While the tumor in the pericardium can squeeze (constrict) the heart, which causes the charging becomes less good. Chest pain even more worse could happen to heart failure.
Heart tumors may occur in the absence of early symptoms beforehand, for example, tumors on sebgian people can cause heart failure, heart rate suddenly becomes abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), or decreased blood pressure suddenly caused by bleeding into the pericardium .
Primary heart tumors that are not cancer, including small can still be removed surgically, and through this operation is usually successfully cured.
As for primary tumors that are cancerous can not be removed even through surgery and the consequences thereof, if surgery is usually fatal.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Rheumatic Heart Disease and Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatic heart disease is a condition that describes a situation in which the heart valves become damaged due to the reaction of rheumatic fever.
Rheumatic fever itself usually begins with a Sore Throat (also called streptococcal pharyngitis). Sore throat is a throat infection caused by most Group A Streptococcusbacteria. This is one of the most common bacterial infection of the throat.
Incidence of rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease commonly called very rarely found in the United States and other developed countries. However, little by little continues to be the major cause of cardiovascular death during the first five decades of life in developing countries.
What are the symptoms of rheumatic fever?
Symptoms may include the following points:
- The occurrence of fever
- The existence of pain, tender, swollen red joints
- The emergence of pain in one joint is always moving
- Heart palpitations
- Pain in chest
- Shortness of breath
How can I prevent rheumatic heart disease?
People who are infected or who have had rheumatic fever are more susceptible to recurrent attacks and heart damage in the future. That's why this penderit will get antibiotic treatment continuously for days or months, perhaps even a lifetime.
Antibiotic prophylaxis whose function is only to prevent the occurrence of endocarditis sekarng no longer recommended for patients undergoing procedures for handling abnormal gastrointestinal or genitourinary.
You are interested in this article Heart Palpitations - Causes and Treatment
Rheumatic fever itself usually begins with a Sore Throat (also called streptococcal pharyngitis). Sore throat is a throat infection caused by most Group A Streptococcusbacteria. This is one of the most common bacterial infection of the throat.
Incidence of rheumatic fever or rheumatic heart disease commonly called very rarely found in the United States and other developed countries. However, little by little continues to be the major cause of cardiovascular death during the first five decades of life in developing countries.
What are the symptoms of rheumatic fever?
Symptoms may include the following points:
- The occurrence of fever
- The existence of pain, tender, swollen red joints
- The emergence of pain in one joint is always moving
- Heart palpitations
- Pain in chest
- Shortness of breath
How can I prevent rheumatic heart disease?
People who are infected or who have had rheumatic fever are more susceptible to recurrent attacks and heart damage in the future. That's why this penderit will get antibiotic treatment continuously for days or months, perhaps even a lifetime.
Antibiotic prophylaxis whose function is only to prevent the occurrence of endocarditis sekarng no longer recommended for patients undergoing procedures for handling abnormal gastrointestinal or genitourinary.
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Vegetable and Fruit Consumption May Reduce Effects Genes That Causes Heart Disease
Eat vegetables and fruit regularly is good for your health. Because vegetables and fruits shown to have many nutrients and vitamins that are very useful for the body. Regularly consume vegetables and fruits every day can reduce the effects of genes that cause heart disease. So for those of you who want to be healthy and avoid heart disease, you should accustom yourself to eat vegetables and fruits every day on a regular basis. Here is more info about Vegetable and Fruit Consumption May Reduce Effects Genes That Causes Heart Disease.
Based on the results of studies and research conducted by some experts note that the risk of heart attack increases if a person already has a 9p21 gene in his body. These genes are usually inherited from a parent or previous derivatives.
During this time many people thought that hereditary factors or genes are difficult to dimodifkasi. But based on research results to some experts, turned out by eating vegetables and fruit regularly will be able to reduce the risk of heart disease despite having the gene.
"These results are a startling discovery for the life to come, that a healthy diet it could significantly weaken the influence of the gene 9p21 on the risk of heart disease," said Dr. Jamie Engert from McGill University in Canada, as quoted from . uk, Friday (14/10/2011).
The study results are published in the journal PLoS Medicine found new evidence that the effects of this high-risk genes could be reduced by regularly consuming more than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
The study involved or take samples from 27,000 people who have the gene 9p21 from birth and come from five ethnic namely Europe, South Asia, China, Latin America and the Arabs to see the effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on gene 9p21.
Results obtained from this study is the participants who have the gene 9p21 and eat vegetables and fruit regularly proved to have a heart attack risks as low as people who do not have the gene.
Nevertheless, the researchers will conduct further studies to find out how the interactions that occur between the gene 9p21 with vegetables and fruits consumed by pertisipan in lowering the risk of heart disease.
You are interested in this excellent article Anemia In School Age
Based on the results of studies and research conducted by some experts note that the risk of heart attack increases if a person already has a 9p21 gene in his body. These genes are usually inherited from a parent or previous derivatives.
During this time many people thought that hereditary factors or genes are difficult to dimodifkasi. But based on research results to some experts, turned out by eating vegetables and fruit regularly will be able to reduce the risk of heart disease despite having the gene.
"These results are a startling discovery for the life to come, that a healthy diet it could significantly weaken the influence of the gene 9p21 on the risk of heart disease," said Dr. Jamie Engert from McGill University in Canada, as quoted from . uk, Friday (14/10/2011).
The study results are published in the journal PLoS Medicine found new evidence that the effects of this high-risk genes could be reduced by regularly consuming more than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
The study involved or take samples from 27,000 people who have the gene 9p21 from birth and come from five ethnic namely Europe, South Asia, China, Latin America and the Arabs to see the effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on gene 9p21.
Results obtained from this study is the participants who have the gene 9p21 and eat vegetables and fruit regularly proved to have a heart attack risks as low as people who do not have the gene.
Nevertheless, the researchers will conduct further studies to find out how the interactions that occur between the gene 9p21 with vegetables and fruits consumed by pertisipan in lowering the risk of heart disease.
You are interested in this excellent article Anemia In School Age
Monday, November 7, 2011
Congenital Heart Disease
Congenital Heart Disease is one type of disease that pretty much suffered by newborns. According to some studies, 10 out of 1000 newborns are likely to have heart disease is. The types of abnormalities found in this disease vary widely, there are only caused minor disturbances in cardiac function but also many disorders that result can be quite fatal to interfere with the work function of the heart as a tool that distributes blood throughout the body.
Several types of abnormalities that exist in the heart of the most widely suffered by the infants included in the category of congenital heart disease is one disorder that occurs in the check valve, and valve abnormalities that occur in the foyer and leaks in the veins of the lungs, the following discussion of each of these disorders are:
A. Valve abnormalities.
Abnormalities on the type of wall that separates the right and left chambers of the heart can not always be closed tightly, often on the dividing wall there is a hole or gap, until the pressure can cause blood flow to the lungs to be increased, and this is what usually called a congenital heart defect in the valve.
B. Valve abnormalities porch
As it was a working system in the right atrium, the heart's left porch is also separated by a valve. And the valve is also often contained a loophole that resulted in blood flow to the right atrium into the left heart into the porch is not nomal.
C. Leaks in the lung arteries
Since the baby is born, the blood vessels of the lungs that leads to the aorta that is when the baby in the womb will close by itself in accordance with the development of the child's growth, but unfortunately its not all babies have this thing. There are children who are the arteries of his lungs did not shut down even more and grow up. the gap will draw blood in the arteries between the lungs and aorta.
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Several types of abnormalities that exist in the heart of the most widely suffered by the infants included in the category of congenital heart disease is one disorder that occurs in the check valve, and valve abnormalities that occur in the foyer and leaks in the veins of the lungs, the following discussion of each of these disorders are:
A. Valve abnormalities.
Abnormalities on the type of wall that separates the right and left chambers of the heart can not always be closed tightly, often on the dividing wall there is a hole or gap, until the pressure can cause blood flow to the lungs to be increased, and this is what usually called a congenital heart defect in the valve.
B. Valve abnormalities porch
As it was a working system in the right atrium, the heart's left porch is also separated by a valve. And the valve is also often contained a loophole that resulted in blood flow to the right atrium into the left heart into the porch is not nomal.
C. Leaks in the lung arteries
Since the baby is born, the blood vessels of the lungs that leads to the aorta that is when the baby in the womb will close by itself in accordance with the development of the child's growth, but unfortunately its not all babies have this thing. There are children who are the arteries of his lungs did not shut down even more and grow up. the gap will draw blood in the arteries between the lungs and aorta.
You are interested in this article Heart Palpitations - Causes and Treatment
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Beware of Sick Sinus Syndrome Symptoms
Sick Sinus Syndrome is an unusual case of a very varied from the normal pacemaker function. This syndrome is known to be one cause of heart rate slows down permanently (sinus bradycardia) or the occurrence of a full blockade of pacemaker and atrial (sinus arrest in which the impulses from the pacemaker failure occurred when creating the atrial contraction).
When cases like this happens, the release of pacemaker that is low in the atrium or even inside the ventricles will usually be changed.
Symptoms usually occur
Some kind of sick sinus syndrome is common does not cause significant symptoms, but heart rate that starts low and settled causing weakness and fatigue. Even the case of a person fainting may occur if the speed becomes very slow. While heart rate is often perceived as very high patient as palpitations.
Further Diaknosa
Tib pulse suddenly slowed down, especially the irregular pulse or pulse is varied without changing the activity of the patient can lead a doctor to diagnose sick sinus syndrome. Characteristics Elktrokardiogram (ECG) is one case in particular abnormal abnormal cases that occurred more than 24 hours and consider a collection of symptoms usually help the doctor make a diagnosis.
The recommended treatment
Patients who have symptoms are usually given fake permanent pacemaker. The function of the pacemaker is used to accelerate the heart rate began to slow. In most patients who sometimes have a faster rhythm, medication assistance is also needed, so the best and highly recommended therapy is the implantation of a pacemaker along with the administration of drugs such as beta blockers slow down the rhythm or verapamil.
When cases like this happens, the release of pacemaker that is low in the atrium or even inside the ventricles will usually be changed.
Symptoms usually occur
Some kind of sick sinus syndrome is common does not cause significant symptoms, but heart rate that starts low and settled causing weakness and fatigue. Even the case of a person fainting may occur if the speed becomes very slow. While heart rate is often perceived as very high patient as palpitations.
Further Diaknosa
Tib pulse suddenly slowed down, especially the irregular pulse or pulse is varied without changing the activity of the patient can lead a doctor to diagnose sick sinus syndrome. Characteristics Elktrokardiogram (ECG) is one case in particular abnormal abnormal cases that occurred more than 24 hours and consider a collection of symptoms usually help the doctor make a diagnosis.
The recommended treatment
Patients who have symptoms are usually given fake permanent pacemaker. The function of the pacemaker is used to accelerate the heart rate began to slow. In most patients who sometimes have a faster rhythm, medication assistance is also needed, so the best and highly recommended therapy is the implantation of a pacemaker along with the administration of drugs such as beta blockers slow down the rhythm or verapamil.
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